The holiday season is coming up, and for most people, that also means taking time off. But for many entrepreneurs….that doesn’t mean anything different. Rest is important, though, and we all need to take time off in order to continue serving our people well. Here are some tips on planning for vacation as a small […]
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Were you one of those kids who always turned assignments in on time…but waited until the last minute to finish them? (Guilty over here!) Maybe you’ve outgrown that habit (good for you!), but chances are, you haven’t. And, even if you weren’t that kid, chances are that you’re spending too much time on certain tasks […]
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The irony of this blog post is that I wrote the title and then lost focus and checked my phone. For no reason at all—just out of habit. You win some, you lose some. But today, I want to share one little trick I use to stay focused. We get so many notifications throughout the […]
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Being productive is something we all strive for. I talk about it a lot because I firmly believe that controlling our time—instead of letting time control us—is a huge factor in living the life you’ve always dreamed of. Productivity isn’t about being fast; it’s about being efficient and knowing what’s important and what isn’t. With […]
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Do you need a Virtual Assistant? The last blog post talked about what a Virtual Assistant does (read that here!), and today, we’re chatting about how to know when you need a Virtual Assistant! Entrepreneurship is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone! Here’s how to know when you need a Virtual Assistant. […]
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We all have those days—the ones where we hit snooze one-too-many times, scrolled through social media way too long in the morning, or life comes up and our perfectly planned schedule goes out the window. Sometimes, we just need a quick jumpstart to get our day back on track! Personally, I know I shouldn’t get on […]
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As small business owners, it’s vital that we are good stewards of our time. For entrepreneurs, time = money: if we’re being productive, we’re making money. We need a way to keep track of our time–so that we know what we’re spending time on, and so that we can properly price our offerings and bill […]
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